Welcome to Ferrosan Medical Devices Career site
Welcome to Ferrosan Medical Devices – a successful medical device company with all business functions under the same roof – from Research to Production. We are happy you stopped by to get to know us better and understand who we are.
Our recruitment process
Send us your unsolicited application here:
Marta Sluborska
Head of HR
Ferrosan Medical Devices
Follow us on LinkedIn for job recruitment in Poland
Contact us
We are looking for employees who want to develop and share their knowledge with others. The selection and hiring process at Ferrosan Medical Devices involves several stages.
According to the GDPR regulation please include the following statement in your application:
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych, zawartych w CV oraz dołączonych do niego pozostałych dokumentach aplikacyjnych (w tym wizerunku utrwalonego na ewentualnie dołączanym zdjęciu) przez Ferrosan Medical Devices Sp. z o.o., ul. Koksowa 3, 70-031 Szczecin, w celu przeprowadzenia postępowania rekrutacyjnego.
Ogólna polityka przetwarzania danych osobowych w Ferrosan Medical Devices
Meet your future colleagues
These are the people you could potentially be working with in the future. Learn more about the way we work at Ferrosan Medical Devices by visiting the profiles below.
Your future colleagues