Our management team
The Executive Management team is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company. The team consists of the CEO, six Vice Presidents of their respective functions.
The management team is also responsible for oversight, implementation, and audit of environmental, social and related policies.
Ferrosan Medical Devices Company Ownership
The Board of Directors is in charge of the overall and strategic management of Ferrosan Medical Devices.
Our Board of Directors consists of nine members, including three members elected by the employees of the company. The Board of Directors is in charge of the overall and strategic management of Ferrosan Medical Devices. The Board of Directors is responsible for approving the corporate strategy, for setting goals for the Management Team, and for evaluating management performance and qualifications. Further, the Board of Directors ensures adequate internal and external controls to ensure sustainable value creation for all the stakeholders of Ferrosan Medical Devices.
Under Danish law, Ferrosan Medical Devices employees are entitled to be represented on the company’s Board of Directors through employee-elected Board members. The Danish Companies Act entitles the employees to elect a number of representatives corresponding to half the number of Board members elected by the general meeting. Ferrosan Medical Devices employees have elected three members to the Board.
In 2022, Kirk Kapital, ATP, and the Lundbeck Foundation became new owners of Ferrosan Medical Devices. Kirk Kapital increased its ownership to 40%. while ATP and the Lundbeck foundation both acquired 30% each.
Our Executive Management team
See our Executive Management team and board of directors