It is important for Ferrosan Medical Devices that all employees act with high integrity in all matters. In Ferrosan Medical Devices we prohibit any form of corruption or corrupt behavior.
Our stand on anti-corruption expressed in this policy covers all Ferrosan Medical Devices employees and all people who take part in the manufacturing and support of Ferrosan Medical Devices products and services.
This policy covers Ferrosan Medical Devices and associated companies, affiliates of Ferrosan Medical Devices or any entity that is directly or indirectly controlled by Ferrosan Medical Devices no matter the geographical location.
Corruption is the abuse of power by a person or organization for one’s own gain. Corruption occurs in many different forms and is not limited to the ones expressed in this policy.
All employees, regardless of department, responsibility or title, are expected to act with integrity in all matters. Ferrosan Medical Devices does not accept any form of corruption or corrupt behavior, including extortion and bribery, whether conducted by an employee of Ferrosan Medical Devices or a third party acting on behalf of Ferrosan Medical Devices.
Ferrosan Medical Devices must never offer anyone anything under any circumstances that can be perceived as an effort to inappropriately influence a decision. Ferrosan Medical Devices should never directly or indirectly offer or promise anything of value, including but not limited to money, business opportunities or favorable contracts to unlawfully influence the judgement of any individual or organization dishonestly or unlawfully. Ferrosan Medical Devices should never under any circumstances accept anything from anyone that can be perceived as an effort to inappropriately influence a decision.
If an employee of Ferrosan Medical Devices experiences any conflict between this policy and any regulations, employees shall always adhere to the highest standards of the two.
It is a requirement that all employees comply with this policy in word and deed.
Ferrosan Medical Devices’ policy on Anti-Corruption is reflected in all new and re-evaluated agreements with our suppliers as of August 2021.
Ferrosan Medical Devices’ policy on Anti-corruption includes the principle of the UN Global Compact Ten Principles:
Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.